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29 May 2024

Zoom on Kata

by snonov

This page to give and not forget some references concerning coding kata.

Some history

Things seems to begin with Dave Thomas :

As he tells it in his blog post : http://codekata.com/kata/codekata-how-it-started/

What it is

Idea is to train through practice on given delimited exercices that let focus on your coding practises (refactoring, design, …), playing with constraints (primite obsession, …).

Other practises exist to improve your skills (or just having some fun and fresh time) :

But here we’ll focus on kata. Some thought about kata and what it is :

Books about Kata :

Kata usage

There is various way to practise depending of what you are looking for.

Group operating way to practise (source coding dojo, blog, book):

It can also be prepared with a facilitator but using operating mode you want.

Playing with adding one or more constraint to execute the kata :

Some tools may help to organize group sessions :

Kata List (or log)

There is huge numbers of kata so it will not be exhaustive

Some Katalogs

Some Github repositories (and authors) that list interesting katas

Kata list (still to refine)

List of Katas :

To go further

Idea to develop a kata :
https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/CHIP-8 to build a spec to create a kata
A TDD Chip-8 implementation https://github.com/secondsun/chip8

Architectural Kata

tags: Kata - Dojo - Practises - Zoomon - Code - Davethomas