Walk on the web flow 20240514
by snonov
Architecture and pattern Practises
GQL official to request graph
5 languages memory models
- https://speakerdeck.com/jespino/understanding-the-memory-model-of-5-languages
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WyLuMegMNuE
Build your Spark optim lab
HBase deprecation at Pinterest
Why Ai agent need code interpreter
Web crawler design
Principle of message queue system
Some katas to practise
Remote record Jfr log from a container
Java & Gemini
- https://glaforge.dev/posts/2024/03/27/gemini-codelab-for-java-developers/
- https://codelabs.developers.google.com/codelabs/gemini-java-developers
- https://github.com/glaforge/gemini-workshop-for-java-developers
Five things every developer should know about software architecture
About 1brc challenge and missing dataframe
- https://medium.com/@zakhav/dataframe-and-one-billion-row-challenge-97b3d0255dd1
- https://github.com/vmzakharov/missing-dataframe-talk
Pratt parser
- Original paper : https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/512927.512931
- https://journal.stuffwithstuff.com/2011/03/19/pratt-parsers-expression-parsing-made-easy/
- https://github.com/munificent/bantam
- https://abarker.github.io/typped/pratt_parsing_intro.html
Analyse my JVM problem
- https://github.com/Pamir/jvm-dump-usecases (inspired from https://github.com/6opuc/lldb-netcore-use-cases/ in C#)
- https://github.com/kcpeppe/javamemoryleaks
- https://github.com/yCrash/springboot-buggyapi
Comparing collections in java
Java explicit vs diagnostic GC
Java, stream : How to write a left-fold streams collector in Java
Brain friendly programming with javva (Cognitive Load thing)
- https://empatheticdeveloper.wordpress.com/2024/05/14/brain-friendly-programming-in-java/
- Ref book : https://www.manning.com/books/the-programmers-brain
- Gratification impact for developer https://blog.ploeh.dk/2024/05/13/gratification/
Replace synchronized java keyword
Backstage for developer portal
LLM application to decompile
LLM Lingua
Stephen Jansen tools with LLM
- Devoxx talk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9PcKBSMv8U
- Plugin intellij https://github.com/devoxx/DevoxxGenieIDEAPlugin/tree/master
- RAG genie https://github.com/stephanj/rag-genie
Nakadi, Event Bus Broker
- https://nakadi.io/
- https://engineering.zalando.com/posts/2024/04/enhancing-distributed-system-load-shedding-with-tcp-congestion-control-algorithm.html
Optimize cloud spend with Terraform
In green period, energy consumption for jdk21
How good of a developer are you? by Roy Wasse and Bert Jan Schrijver (learning, competency evaluation, certification)
Wikipedia nodes connections vizualisation
XZ hack, what happened
- https://www.docker.com/blog/openssh-and-xz-liblzma/
- https://techblog.bozho.net/the-xz-backdoor-should-not-happen-again/
- https://blog.sonatype.com/cve-2024-3094-the-targeted-backdoor-supply-chain-attack-against-xz-and-liblzma*
IA courses
- https://www.deeplearning.ai/courses/generative-ai-for-everyone/
- https://www.deeplearning.ai/short-courses/
About Ownership (Knowledge, Responsability and mandate)
Tech salaries
License history (Hashicorp, BSL, IBM)
Stack overflow AI partnership
Word to vector illustrated explaination
OpenTofu news after IBM acquisition of Hashicorp
Lessons learn from Linkedin GenAi development
tags: Kata - Energy - Jdk - Backstage - Developerportal - Learning - Competencyevaluation - Wikipedia - Pattern - Architecturepattern - Java - Gemini - Llm - Xz - Hack - Decompile - Craftmanship - Lingua - Stephenjansen - Rag - Intellij - Nakadi - Eventbus - Broker - Ia - Courses - Cypher - Neo4j - Gql - Prattparser - Parser - Jvm - Troubleshooting - Languages - Memorymodels - Ownership - Salaries - Spark - Collections - Bsl - Hashicorp - Gc - Devoxx - Stackoverflow - Vector - Stream - Collector - Brain - Pinterest - HBase - Codeinterpreter - Gratification - OpenTofu - Terraform - Genai - Linkedin - Webcrawler - Messagequeue - Queue - Container - Jfr - Log - Synchronized - Cloud