Walk on the web flow 20240312
by snonov
What is service mesh
Azure AI microsoft recommanded architecture
Minimum viable architecture
History of Google monorepo
- https://qeunit.com/fr/blog/le-monorepo-a-la-google/
- https://www.thoughtworks.com/insights/blog/agile-engineering-practices/monorepo-vs-multirepo
Custom LLM rex and architecture
- https://github.blog/2023-10-30-the-architecture-of-todays-llm-applications/
- Microsoft REX https://www.infoq.com/news/2024/02/ms-lessons-learned-copilots/
- How to customize your LLM (RAG, In-context learning, Fine-tuning, Supervised learning, RLHF) https://github.blog/2024-02-28-customizing-and-fine-tuning-llms-what-you-need-to-know/
- https://nexocode.com/blog/posts/customizing-large-language-models-a-comprehensive-guide/
- https://blog.octo.com/comment-utiliser-un-llm-open-source-1
- Ai design pattern comprehensive guide https://towardsdatascience.com/generative-ai-design-patterns-a-comprehensive-guide-41425a40d7d0
MACH architecture
Back to Java Memory Model (JMM) consideration
- https://www.infoq.com/fr/articles/The-OpenJDK9-Revised-Java-Memory-Model/
- https://www.cs.umd.edu/~pugh/java/memoryModel/jsr133.pdf
- https://mail.openjdk.org/pipermail/core-libs-dev/2014-January/024287.html
- https://shipilev.net/talks/narnia-2555-jmm-pragmatics-en.pdf
Beyond Micro Front end
Definition of modular monolith
Kata refactoring list
A constraint is a challenge during a kata
Stephen Colebourne about Pattern matching with optional in Java
One more 1brc post, optimization step by step
All the performance changes in the JVM since Java/JDK/JVM 10
- https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/jackshirazi/perf-changes/blob/main/docs/changes.html
Donald Raab, My ten-year quest for concise lambda expressions in Java
Java and Ai llm (langchain4j, openai, ollama)
- https://www.sivalabs.in/getting-started-with-generative-ai-using-java-langchain4j-openai-ollama/
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ewr1KYPtLa0
- https://www.sivalabs.in/langchain4j-ai-services-tutorial/
- LangChain4j RAG tuto https://www.sivalabs.in/langchain4j-retrieval-augmented-generation-tutorial/
AI code generation github copilot
Why still using Java
Debug using JMX revisited
Code complexity in practises
Bare metal Java
Practises, first-class collection
Polling vs Webhook
Netflix use of Java
Reflections on Writing Unix Daemons
Java Lambda and exception handling
Set up your efficient linux environment
Troubleshooting spring boot thread (and more) leak
Java Development on Windows with Dev Drive (ReFS Resilient File System)
Iac terraform vs biceps
Time series tool
Vector Database
Generative Ai
- GenAI in a nutshell https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IK3DFHRFfw
- RAG and AI (Patrick Lewis and Facebook aka Meta AI Team) https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.11401
- concrete cases https://www.tech.rocks/vods/a5a9fa2b-fe98-ee11-8925-000d3a28bef0/ia-generative-chez-teads-de-l-idee-a-la-realite
- Wikimedia’s CTO: In the age of AI, human contributors still matter https://www.technologyreview.com/2024/02/26/1088137/wikimedia-wikipedia-cto-selena-deckelmann-ai-human-contributions/
Engineering practises
Boundaries between cloud and edge computing will continue to blur, predicts Jonas Bonér of Lightbend
- https://tfir.io/boundaries-between-cloud-and-edge-computing-will-continue-to-blur-predicts-jonas-boner-of-lightbend/
- https://www.kalix.io/
Measuring GitHub Copilot’s Impact on Productivity
JCP, 25 years old
Shade of Conways law
Competencies and Responsibilities of a Research Software Engineer
tags: Linux - Workenvironment - Langchain4j - Openai - Ollama - Ai - Kata - Refactoring - Patternmatching - Optional - Java - Stephencolebourne - Spring - Troubleshooting - Leaks - Servicemesh - Generativeai - Patricklewis - Meta - 1brc - Donaldraab - Lambda - Githubcopilot - Jmx - Azure - Refs - Filesystem - Codecomplexity - Jvp - Performance - Cto - Wikimedia - Rag - Terraform - Biceps - Polling - Webhook - Google - Monorepo - Netflix - Engineering - Unixdaemons - Cloud - Edge - Boundaries - Llm - Microsoft - Vectordatabase - Mach - Api - Microservices - Jmm - Javamemorymodel - Jcp - Conwayslaw - Microfrontend - Designpattern - constraint - Exceptionhandling - Modularmonolith