Walk on the web flow 20240105
by snonov
Futur of Java, Brian Goetz about error handling in switch
Error model : how do errors get communicated to programmers and users of the system ?
Hard Problems in Front-End Platforms, architect frontend systems
Web performances
What is a Monad ?
Java persistance pattern and strategies
Developing above the cloud
Meta is testing ActivityPub protocol
Sample using AI to create Jfr event description
Java Highlights of 2023
Deprecated Features in Java 18 thru 21
Java puzzle with pattern matching
Advent of code 2023
- Root : https://adventofcode.com/
- Awesome advent of code (tools, references and other stuff) https://github.com/Bogdanp/awesome-advent-of-code
- Remi Forax repository https://github.com/forax/advent-of-code-2023
- Chris Newland repository https://github.com/chriswhocodes/aoc2023
- Nicolai Parlog https://github.com/nipafx/advent-of-code-2023
- Lessons learned from Advent of code https://horstmann.com/unblog/2023-12-30/index.html
- another advent, advent of craft practises https://github.com/advent-of-craft/advent-of-craft/
Evolution of BTree
Evil of feature branch
Migrating from Lombok to records (why and how)
Rate limit (java spring sample)
Json handling with Gson
Demystifying Java’s Compare-and-Swap (CAS)
Javet, interop Java and Javascript
Jupyter Notebooks and Java
- https://www.javaadvent.com/2023/12/jupyter-notebooks-and-java.html
- Active Java Kernels https://github.com/jupyter-java/awesome-jupyter-java#active-java-kernels
Fireplace, a Flamegraph / Iciclegraph Java Swing component
eBPF (observability from kernel) in java
- https://mostlynerdless.de/blog/2023/12/31/hello-ebpf-developing-ebpf-apps-in-java-1/
- https://ebpf.io/what-is-ebpf/
One billion row challenge
Hashnode to build blogs
Java libraries hidden gems (and usage samples)
Github initiative to make standard with Webhooks
Explore Gen AI for developer (coding assistant)
Using Icicle graph to visualize cloud cost
What is BSL license (implied in terraform fork)
RIP Niklaus Wirth, 1st january 2024
- https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niklaus_Wirth
- author of Wirth law https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loi_de_Wirth
Quentin Adam : review of 2023
Choose what to read
tags: Java - Briangoetz - Switch - Error - Javet - Javascript - Webhooks - Github - Jupyter - Notebooks - Kernels - Ai - Generative - Codingassistant - Fireplace - Flamegraph - Swing - Icicle - Cloud - Cost - Jfr - Jdkflightrecord - Bsl - License - Fork - Terraform - Nicolaiparlog - Frontend - Deprecated - Java21 - Ebpf - Observability - Gunnarmorling - 1brc - Web - Performance - Hashnode - Blog - Adventofcode - Puzzle - Patternmatching - Chrisnewland - Remiforax - Craft - Monad - Tree - Btree - Niklauswirth - Quentinadam - Persistance - Featurebranch - Lombok - Record - Ratelimit - Darklang - Json - Gson - Compareandswap - Cas - Activitypub - Meta