Walk on the web flow

the goal is to leave some links that seem interesting to me (but also to share them)

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13 December 2023

Walk on the web flow 20231213

by snonov


Distributed caching

Github MySQL infrastructure

Architecture cloud adoption pattern

Crafting your interpreter

How Uber Computes ETA at Half a Million Requests per Second


List of badsmell performance

Decoding the secrets of the JVM internals - Lennart ten Wolde

A Simple Approach to the Advanced JVM Profiling

Chasing a Metaspace leak

Java refactoring Kata about untangling

Github copilot Rex craft

OpenTelemetrie usage

Code review at google


Jlama, A LLM inference engine for Java

Tool Penna is an opinionated backend for slf4j that focuses on doing one thing right: Logging structured logs in json format to the console.


Opinion about AI regulation

Statistics about algo interview

Futur conf Java Microsoft conference

Learn cybersec

Update BackEnd Developper road map

Open Source Security Foundation score card

tags: Badsmell - Performance - Distributed - Caching - Jvm - Profiling - Ai - Regulation - Metaspace - Memoryleak - Leak - Java - Llm - Jlama - Penna - Log - Slf4j - Json - Kata - Untangled - Github - Copilot - Rex - Opentelemetrie - Interview - Algorithm - Jdconf - Microsoft - Conference - Pentest - Security - Cybersecurity - Mysql - Codereview - Google - Cloud - Pattern - Backend - Roadmap - Interpreter - Uber - Eta - Path - Ossf - Scorecard