Walk on the web flow 20231213
by snonov
Distributed caching
- https://medium.com/@haasitapinnepu/the-a-z-guide-to-distributed-caching-d0c6fec9592a
Github MySQL infrastructure
Architecture cloud adoption pattern
Crafting your interpreter
How Uber Computes ETA at Half a Million Requests per Second
List of badsmell performance
- https://medium.com/@dmosyan/lets-cause-scalability-problem-with-performance-antipatterns-1d163d8a6065
Decoding the secrets of the JVM internals - Lennart ten Wolde
A Simple Approach to the Advanced JVM Profiling
Chasing a Metaspace leak
Java refactoring Kata about untangling
Github copilot Rex craft
OpenTelemetrie usage
Code review at google
- https://engineercodex.substack.com/p/how-google-takes-the-pain-out-of
- Best practises https://google.github.io/eng-practices/review/reviewer/standard.html
- https://abseil.io/resources/swe-book/html/ch19.html
Jlama, A LLM inference engine for Java
Tool Penna is an opinionated backend for slf4j that focuses on doing one thing right: Logging structured logs in json format to the console.
Opinion about AI regulation
Statistics about algo interview
Futur conf Java Microsoft conference
Learn cybersec
- High quality certification https://www.offensive-security.com/pwk-oscp/
- https://www.hackthebox.com/
- https://tryhackme.com/
Update BackEnd Developper road map
Open Source Security Foundation score card
tags: Badsmell - Performance - Distributed - Caching - Jvm - Profiling - Ai - Regulation - Metaspace - Memoryleak - Leak - Java - Llm - Jlama - Penna - Log - Slf4j - Json - Kata - Untangled - Github - Copilot - Rex - Opentelemetrie - Interview - Algorithm - Jdconf - Microsoft - Conference - Pentest - Security - Cybersecurity - Mysql - Codereview - Google - Cloud - Pattern - Backend - Roadmap - Interpreter - Uber - Eta - Path - Ossf - Scorecard