Walk on the web flow 20231129
by snonov
Github search engine architecture
- https://scaleyourapp.com/system-design-github-code-search-engine/
- https://github.blog/2023-02-06-the-technology-behind-githubs-new-code-search/
Database cheatsheet (models and cloud providers)
- https://medium.com/@sureshpodeti/database-cheat-sheet-db5363a7b997
Four kinds of optimisation
Olap and Oltp in Etl
- https://medium.com/@shivajiofficial5088/unraveling-olap-oltp-and-htap-in-etl-system-architecture-1b4fad936665
New generation of datastore
- https://spinscale.de/posts/2022-08-02-the-new-generation-data-stores.html
- https://speakerdeck.com/spinscale/the-new-generation-of-data-stores-8a3b40b5-c3b8-4a1a-a4d9-df83d8aa6c25
Java trends 2023
- InfoQ https://www.infoq.com/articles/java-trends-report-2023/
- JetBrain 2023 survey https://www.jetbrains.com/lp/devecosystem-2023/java/
Cinnamon, a new resiliency approach at Uber
- https://medium.com/@bmarquie/bits-of-thought-cinnamon-a-new-resiliency-approach-at-uber-996c078b5b7b
Pattern of distributed system
Brief History of Jackson the JSON processor
- http://www.cowtowncoder.com/blog/archives/2013/08/entry_479.html
- https://github.com/FasterXML/jackson
Mass refactoring with AI (Aws Qcode CodeWhisperer and Openrewrite)
- https://aws.amazon.com/fr/blogs/aws/upgrade-your-java-applications-with-amazon-q-code-transformation-preview/
- https://docs.openrewrite.org/
- https://www.moderne.io/
Still quite new some loom and virtualthread
- Limits of loom https://softwaremill.com/limits-of-looms-performance/
- Advantage of vThread : https://blog.heaphero.io/2023/11/18/virtual-threads-a-definite-advantage/
- Journey from 1.1 to 21 : https://dzone.com/articles/the-resurrection-of-virtual-threads-unraveling-the
- Loom is just hyperthreading https://foojay.io/today/loom-is-just-hyperthreading-in-java/
Learn to debug system on real emulate cases
Jakarta EE 11 : what is coming ?
Solid exercice in Java
Java at AWS: Lessons Learned from Upgrading and Modernizing a Massive JVM
Reduce JVM docker image size
Explanation about Java Streams collector
Java Collector Teeing
- https://mail.openjdk.org/pipermail/core-libs-dev/2018-June/053987.html
- https://dzone.com/articles/java-12-the-teeing-collector
Migration Terraform to OpenTofu
- https://medium.com/@bisinet/from-terraform-to-opentofu-ebb23863b6a7
- https://spacelift.io/blog/terraform-tools
How Roaring Bitmap wworks
How ZGC works
Java Kata : mutatio testing
Maven basics (really clear explanations)
Latency problem
Some shells tools Nu Shell
- https://www.nushell.sh/
- https://github.com/nushell/nushell
Sshx (A secure web-based, collaborative terminal) - https://sshx.io/
Curl evolution
Nix flakes and Julia Evans feedback
Tool from pinterest Memq (an efficient, scalable cloud native PubSub system)
Explore Intellij dependency matrix on project structure
Azcagit (Azure, Gitops and Azure container app)
JFR profiler introduction
- https://foojay.io/today/custom-jfr-events-a-short-introduction/
- All JFR events https://sap.github.io/SapMachine/jfrevents/
- https://piotrminkowski.com/2023/11/27/testing-java-apps-on-kubernetes-with-testkube/
- https://testkube.io/
Tool Javalin (simple web framework for Java)
Tool Jreleaser
Java AI tools
Tool Excalidraw (now integrate OpenAI), build shared schemas
Llm subjects :
- LLM and Java (genAI, LangChain4J) https://glaforge.dev/talks/2023/11/13/gen-ai-with-palm-2-and-java/
- LLM models resources https://lifearchitect.ai/models/
- Microsoft generative AI Course https://github.com/microsoft/generative-ai-for-beginners
- Llm course https://github.com/mlabonne/llm-course
Agility (Ivar Jacobson and Alistair Cockburn)
List of resources
- Engineering blogs https://blog.bytebytego.com/p/79-engineering-blogs-to-level-up
- Blogs collection https://lists.eatonphil.com/blogs.html
Framework to analyze Senor, principal engineer work
Open datastructure
tags: Java - Loom - Virtualthread - Storage - Nosql - Models - Github - Search - Architecture - Shell - Nushell - Sshx - Sadservers - Debug - System - Llm - Langchain4j - Jakartaee1 - Jakarta - Solid - Curl - Nix - Juliaevans - Flakes - Optimisation - Memq - Pubsub - Pinterest - Ivarjacobson - Alistaircockburn - Agility - Usecases - Dependencymatrix - Intellij - Azcagit - Gitops - Modernizing - Upgrade - Olap - Oltp - Etl - Engineering - Blog - Jvm - Docker - Image - Size - Microsoft - Streams - Collector - Migration - Terraform - OpenTofu - Teeing - Senor - Experience - Work - Datastore - Newgeneration - Roaring - Bitmap - Jfr - Profiler - Testkube - Zgc - Garbagecollector - Trends - Survey - Javalin - JReleaser - Webserver - Datastructure - Tribuo - Semantickernel - Cinnamon - Uber - Pattern - Distributedsystem - Excalidraw - Maven - Kata - Mutate - Json - Processor - Jackson - Fasterxml - Latency - Refactoring - Mass - Ai - Aws - Qcode - CodeWhisperer