Walk on the web flow 20231107
by snonov
Design a web crawler
GraalVM explain
JVM summit Keynote
Microservice definition (Viktor Klang)
Asynchronous API design
Architecture Kappa
Clean Code, Two Decades Later (includes functionnal programming)
Jvm Hotswap guide
Bare metal Java (devoxx)
Design of Java futur Stream gatherers (Jep 461)
Don’t bindly trust your Java profiler
Some articles about memory leak
- Off heap memory leak analysis https://medium.com/pinterest-engineering/lessons-from-debugging-a-tricky-direct-memory-leak-f638c722d9f2
- https://dip-mazumder.medium.com/java-memory-leaks-a-comprehensive-guide-to-causes-and-solutions-17e319523499
Alibaba on JVM performance tuning
TDD double loop refactoring
- https://blog.octo.com/le-double-cycle-tdd/
- http://coding-is-like-cooking.info/2013/04/outside-in-development-with-double-loop-tdd/
Java 21 solving countdown problem with new stuff (switch, records, pattern matching, ….)
- https://inside.java/2023/11/03/countdown-haskell-java/
- https://github.com/java/samples/blob/main/countdown-problem-java21/CountDownProblem.java
Curl lifecycle :
Tool for C4 architecture model
Java tool Jeyzer (incident analysis solution)
- Home project https://github.com/langchain4j/langchain4j
- https://www.baeldung.com/java-langchain-basics
- Liz Raes talk at Devoxx https://youtu.be/BD1MSLbs9KE?si=Hhc0vamMwCkEsXlc
- Guillaume Laforge article https://glaforge.dev/posts/2023/09/25/discovering-langchain4j/
Piece of history (from JRockit) of JMC
Use Jacoco to find dead code
Some Java Lib for AI, machine learning Development :
- Deeplearning4j : https://github.com/deeplearning4j/deeplearning4j
- Weka https://www.cs.waikato.ac.nz/ml/weka/
- Encog : https://www.heatonresearch.com/encog/
LLM and generative AI blog post
Oreilly about knowledge
Tips for your Github profile
OpenAI interview
tags: Llm - GenerativeAI - Curl - Cleancode - Functionnal - Fp - Webcrawler - Oreilly - Knowledge - Jvmsummit - Conference - Graalvm - C4 - Structurizr - Architecture - Hotswap - JRebel - Github - Java - Baremetal - Stream - Gatherers - Jep461 - Microservice - Viktorklang - Profiler - Memoryleak - Debug - Jeyzer - Jvm - Tuning - Performance - Alibaba - Offheap - Api - Asynchronous - Tdd - Doubleloop - Langchain4j - Java21 - Switch - Patternmatching - Countdown - Openai - Jmc - Jrockit - Javamissioncontrol - Jacoco - Deadcode - Coverage - Kappa - Deeplearning4j - Encog - Weka - Ai - Machinelearning - Guillaumelaforge - Lizraes