Walk on the web flow 20230908
by snonov
Terraform fork, following Hashicorp license model to BSL
- https://opentf.org/
- https://www.infoq.com/news/2023/08/opentf-manifesto-terraform
- https://thenewstack.io/hashicorp-abandons-open-source-for-business-source-license/
- History of Terraform : https://www.hashicorp.com/resources/the-story-of-hashicorp-terraform-with-mitchell-hashimoto
Code with out branching, Kirk Pepperdine view
Rust opinion
- From Github https://github.blog/2023-08-30-why-rust-is-the-most-admired-language-among-developers/
- From Google https://opensource.googleblog.com/2023/06/rust-fact-vs-fiction-5-insights-from-googles-rust-journey-2022.html
Plateforme engineering trend https://thenewstack.io/platform-engineering-is-a-bandwagon-worth-jumping-on/
Architecture, how Quora scaled MySQL to 100K+ queries per second
Fundamentals of computing with fun
- Game to build a computer : https://nandgame.com/about
- https://www.nand2tetris.org/
- https://www.coursera.org/learn/build-a-computer
- https://www.coursera.org/learn/nand2tetris2
Java 21 is coming
Explore Java Records
Sample dev using gRPC and Springboot
Everything You Never Wanted to Know about Java Class Initialization
Openrewrite, open source automation tool for mass refactoring
- https://github.com/openrewrite
- https://docs.openrewrite.org/
- https://foojay.io/today/openrewrite-automatic-code-refactoring-and-maintenance/
Apache Paimon, streaming datalake plateforme
- https://paimon.apache.org/
- https://balachandar-paulraj.medium.com/apache-paimon-a-fresh-face-joins-the-fray-310a89fc0da4
Rama, programming plateform to build scalable back end
- https://redplanetlabs.com/
- https://github.com/redplanetlabs/twitter-scale-mastodon
- https://blog.redplanetlabs.com/
Java code quality tool : Qulice
- https://github.com/yegor256/qulice
- https://www.yegor256.com/2014/08/13/strict-code-quality-control.html
Lipstick, timeseries computation engine built around pure streaming
Curl vs wget
Java Modelling tools (JMT) for queue theory, …
Squashql.io an sql query engine
Scraping the web new tool to get raw text
The developer productivity debate
- Source : https://www.mckinsey.com/industries/technology-media-and-telecommunications/our-insights/yes-you-can-measure-software-developer-productivity
- Kent beck and Gergely responses https://tidyfirst.substack.com/p/measuring-developer-productivity
- Martin Fowler view (long time ago, still actual) https://martinfowler.com/bliki/CannotMeasureProductivity.html
GPT pilot tool, all step building apps with AI
tags: Computerscience - Coursera - Game - Java21 - Records - Apache - Paimon - Streaming - Plateform - Rama - Scalable - Backend - Terraform - Bsl - Hashicorp - Opentf - Qulice - Quality - Lipstick - Timeseries - Kirkpepperdine - Branching - Rust - Google - Github - Grpc - Springboot - Curl - Wget - Mckinsey - Kentbeck - Martinfowler - Class - Initialization - Jmt - Queue - Modeling - Squashql - Sql - Sqlengine - Plateform - Engineering - Scrap - Web - Quora - Architecture - Openrewrite - Refactoring - Automation - Gpt - Ai