Walk on the web flow 20230829
by snonov
Systems Engineering Principles (Nasa)
All JVM summit 2023 videos
Do We Really Do Functional Programming in Java ? by Ben Evans at JBCNConf 2021
Evolution of JMM (Java Memory model) with Java 9
Java process and community from Nicolai Parlog
- What is OpenJDK ? https://nipafx.dev/inside-java-newscast-28/
- use case : Java 21 is no LTS Version https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bfR22iv8Pc
Compare JUnit 4 and JUnit 5
Inner work of a safe point in Java
Analyze a Java Virtual Thread Deadlock
Container impact : It works on my container
CI/CD stack at Meta
Things I wish I-knew when I started testing springboot applications
Infrastructure as Code: Past, Present, Future
Github project usage
LLM try to detect source
- Why detecting AI-generated text is so difficult https://www.technologyreview.com/2023/02/07/1067928/why-detecting-ai-generated-text-is-so-difficult-and-what-to-do-about-it/
- https://gptzero.me/
Some Java books recommanded
The Mathematician’s Weapon, An Introduction to Category Theory, Abstraction and Algebra
Fine tuning with GPT-3.5
tags: Functional - Java - Jbcnconf - Benevans - Jmm - Java9 - Nicolaiparlog - Openjdk - Java21 - Lts - Llm - System - Engineer - Nasa - JUnit4 - Junit5 - Safepoint - Thread - Container - Meta - Ci - Cd - Springboot - Test - Book - Iac - Jvmsummit - Math - Deadlock - Virtualthread - Gpt - Tuning - Github