Walk on the web flow 20230704
by snonov
Design document on nullability and value types (Brian Goetz)
Streams design on Java (and what is missing)
- https://cr.openjdk.org/~vklang/Gatherers.html
A classical, The JSR-133 Cookbook for Compiler Writers
12 factor app revisited
ChatGPT, openAI SpringBoot starter
- https://github.com/linux-china/chatgpt-spring-boot-starter
- https://spring.io/blog/2023/07/02/building-intelligent-spring-apps-with-azure-openai
Spring, cloud manage Zip
http and gRPC
- https://medium.com/@aditya.barik32/understanding-http-and-grpc-928515095f4a
All you need to know about distributed file system
Metrics to collect to analyze java apps
Amazon Corretto usage
An old one but still interesting, Cliff Click about JVM
Java Records
Java Volatile
Optimise CPU
Histograms response time slides
GC and Latency
Introduction and pitfalls of Java’s new concurrency model (Virtualthread) by David Vlijmincx
Some java kata
- Java Spring Kata : https://github.com/BNYMellon/spring-kata
- Java Kata : https://github.com/BNYMellon/CodeKatas
Tool NuShell
Tool using maven efficiently
Stackoverflow survey
ChatGPT perspectives
Crab, Rust fork
Resources for distributed computer science
- https://medium.com/@devgrowth/best-resources-for-programmers-to-build-solid-computer-science-foundations-v-distributed-systems-ed3ac6bb17