Walk on the web flow

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13 June 2023

Walk on the web flow 20230613

by snonov


PACELC theorem

Neverworkintheory conferencies :


Refactoring by example

Everything Bad in Java is Good for You, about Null and checked exception

Nicolai Parlog slide decks

JPMorgan Machin learning paper study

Begin with Kafka learning by Confluent

Docker and Kubernetes free Course

AWS and Mqtt for IoT

Java Collections Utility class

Voxxed day bucarest 2023

Java 21 structured concurrency

Java migrate from Java 8 to 11 or higher


Kafka tooling

Knative vs Dapr

Development with spring boot et test container

OpenSearch (alternative to elasticsearch Kibana)


How to handle misinformation

CNCF projects statistics

Futur of datascientist job ?


PACELC theorem

Neverworkintheory conferencies :


Refactoring by example

Everything Bad in Java is Good for You, about Null and checked exception

Nicolai Parlog slide decks

JPMorgan Machin learning paper study

Begin with Kafka learning by Confluent

Docker and Kubernetes free Course

AWS and Mqtt for IoT

Java Collections Utility class

Voxxed day bucarest 2023

Java 21 structured concurrency

Java migrate from Java 8 to 11 or higher


Kafka tooling

Knative vs Dapr

Development with spring boot et test container

OpenSearch (alternative to elasticsearch Kibana)


How to handle misinformation

CNCF projects statistics

Futur of datascientist job ?

tags: Refactoring - Java - Exception - Nullpointer - Nicolaiparlog - Slidedeck - Misinformation - Cncf - Jpmorgan - Machinelearning - Kafka - Confluent - Training - Knative - Dapr - Pacelc - Theorem - Spring - Testcontainer - Docker - Kubernetes - Datascientist - Redpanda - Conduktor - KafkaUi - Skills - Libraries - Dependencies - Iot - Mqtt - Aws - Java - Collections - Opensearch - Kibana - Elasticsearch - Performance - Codespaces - Copilot - Java21 - Java8 - Java11 - Migration - Structuredconcurrency