Walk on the web flow 20230613
by snonov
PACELC theorem
Neverworkintheory conferencies :
- About libraries and their dependencies https://neverworkintheory.org/2023/06/13/kula-raula.html
- Teaching Collaborative Skills to Undergrads https://neverworkintheory.org/2023/06/13/presler-marshall-kai.html
Refactoring by example
Everything Bad in Java is Good for You, about Null and checked exception
Nicolai Parlog slide decks
JPMorgan Machin learning paper study
Begin with Kafka learning by Confluent
Docker and Kubernetes free Course
- https://morioh.com/p/334d4378a289?f=5c21fb01c16e2556b555ab32
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTp5xUtcalw
AWS and Mqtt for IoT
Java Collections Utility class
Voxxed day bucarest 2023
- A Glance At The Java Performance Toolbox https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irV3KVIcoN0
- Future-Proof Development with GitHub Codespaces, Copilot, and GPT-4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbJfnCcdA6o
Java 21 structured concurrency
Java migrate from Java 8 to 11 or higher
Kafka tooling
- landscape https://airtable.com/shrLrfYRwCnAYuhB2/tblkQ5zT80tcXwG9Y
- Alternative RedPanda https://redpanda.com/
- Conduktor https://www.conduktor.io/
- KafkaUi https://github.com/provectus/kafka-ui
Knative vs Dapr
- https://www.ofbizian.com/2023/02/how-does-knative-project-compare-to-dapr.html
- First step with Dapr https://www.ofbizian.com/2022/08/first-steps-with-dapr.html
Development with spring boot et test container
OpenSearch (alternative to elasticsearch Kibana)
How to handle misinformation
- https://www.technologyreview.com/2022/08/11/1057552/gen-z-misinformation/
- https://slate.com/technology/2023/06/finland-digital-literacy-factchecking-misinformation.html
CNCF projects statistics
Futur of datascientist job ?
- https://blog.positivethinking.tech/machine-learning-engineering-avenir-metier-datascientist-6d01bb3c010b — layout: post title: “Walk on the web flow 20230613” date: 2023-06-13 tags : Refactoring Java Exception Nullpointer Nicolaiparlog Slidedeck Misinformation Cncf Jpmorgan Machinelearning Kafka Confluent Training Knative Dapr Pacelc Theorem Spring Testcontainer Docker Kubernetes Datascientist Redpanda Conduktor KafkaUi Skills Libraries Dependencies Iot Mqtt Aws Java Collections Opensearch Kibana Elasticsearch Performance Codespaces Copilot Java21 Java8 Java11 Migration Structuredconcurrency —
PACELC theorem
Neverworkintheory conferencies :
- About libraries and their dependencies https://neverworkintheory.org/2023/06/13/kula-raula.html
- Teaching Collaborative Skills to Undergrads https://neverworkintheory.org/2023/06/13/presler-marshall-kai.html
Refactoring by example
Everything Bad in Java is Good for You, about Null and checked exception
Nicolai Parlog slide decks
JPMorgan Machin learning paper study
Begin with Kafka learning by Confluent
Docker and Kubernetes free Course
- https://morioh.com/p/334d4378a289?f=5c21fb01c16e2556b555ab32
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTp5xUtcalw
AWS and Mqtt for IoT
Java Collections Utility class
Voxxed day bucarest 2023
- A Glance At The Java Performance Toolbox https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irV3KVIcoN0
- Future-Proof Development with GitHub Codespaces, Copilot, and GPT-4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbJfnCcdA6o
Java 21 structured concurrency
Java migrate from Java 8 to 11 or higher
Kafka tooling
- landscape https://airtable.com/shrLrfYRwCnAYuhB2/tblkQ5zT80tcXwG9Y
- Alternative RedPanda https://redpanda.com/
- Conduktor https://www.conduktor.io/
- KafkaUi https://github.com/provectus/kafka-ui
Knative vs Dapr
- https://www.ofbizian.com/2023/02/how-does-knative-project-compare-to-dapr.html
- First step with Dapr https://www.ofbizian.com/2022/08/first-steps-with-dapr.html
Development with spring boot et test container
OpenSearch (alternative to elasticsearch Kibana)
How to handle misinformation
- https://www.technologyreview.com/2022/08/11/1057552/gen-z-misinformation/
- https://slate.com/technology/2023/06/finland-digital-literacy-factchecking-misinformation.html
CNCF projects statistics
Futur of datascientist job ?
tags: Refactoring - Java - Exception - Nullpointer - Nicolaiparlog - Slidedeck - Misinformation - Cncf - Jpmorgan - Machinelearning - Kafka - Confluent - Training - Knative - Dapr - Pacelc - Theorem - Spring - Testcontainer - Docker - Kubernetes - Datascientist - Redpanda - Conduktor - KafkaUi - Skills - Libraries - Dependencies - Iot - Mqtt - Aws - Java - Collections - Opensearch - Kibana - Elasticsearch - Performance - Codespaces - Copilot - Java21 - Java8 - Java11 - Migration - Structuredconcurrency