Walk on the web flow 20230523
by snonov
Graphql drawback
REST vs GraphQL vs gRPC
Explore IoT in Azure
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCZ-EkCsjsw
- https://speakerdeck.com/rondagdag/exploring-the-land-of-iot-on-azure
Alistair Cockburn, hexagonal architecture
- https://alistaircockburn.com/Hexagonal%20Budapest%2023-05-18.pdf
- Implementation Guide https://jmgarridopaz.github.io/content/hexagonalarchitecture-ig/intro.html
- Sample Apps https://github.com/jmgarridopaz/bluezone
Around SOLID :
- Definition of cohesion https://vanderburg.org/blog/2011/01/31/cohesion.html
- SOLID design principles deconstructed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMW08JkFrBA
Loom experiments by Mario Fusco
Writting a Java profiler
Manage data residency
Some Kata lists
- https://github.com/topics/tdd-kata?l=java
- https://github.com/emilybache?tab=repositories&q=&type=&language=java&sort=
- https://sammancoaching.org/kata_descriptions/index.html
Kata ZOMBIES concept (Zero One Many Boudariy Interface Exercice Simple) to drive kata session
Card to resume TDD
Gitops as an evolution of kubernetes
Optimizing resource usage in Kubernetes (carlos sanchez)
Back to basis : BigO notation
- Quick Course : https://stackthrive.com/big-o-notation/
- Cheat sheet summary https://www.bigocheatsheet.com/
Java programmer’s guide to Random numbers
- https://blog.dandyer.co.uk/2008/04/03/a-java-programmers-guide-to-random-numbers-part-1-beyond-javautilrandom/
- https://blog.dandyer.co.uk/2008/04/06/a-java-programmers-guide-to-random-numbers-part-2-not-just-coins-and-dice/
Podman Desktop for a Docker user
Lightweight Kubernetes distributions (Minikube, Microk8s, Kind, K3s, K3d)
Maven central new fetaures
Java library to render markdown
Online tool for live quizz, Slido
Keycloak join CNCF
About digital memory
Quotations about Software design
Dreyfus model of skill acquisition
tags: Java - Profiler - Docker - Podman - Keycloak - Cncf - Kubernetes - Minikube - Microk8s - Kind - K3s - K3d - Graphql - Rest - Grpc - Azure - Iot - Maven - Mavencentral - Data - Residency - Markdown - Kata - Tdd - Zombies - Gitops - Kubernetes - Slido - Quizz - Bigo - Digitalmemory - Mariofusco - Loom - Alistaircockburn - Hexagonal - Quotations - Solid - Cohesion - Random - Dreyfus - Model - Skill