Walk on the web flow

the goal is to leave some links that seem interesting to me (but also to share them)

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15 May 2023

Walk on the web flow 20230515

by snonov


Open close system principle

History of microservices

Distributed patterns compared: Frameworks vs. K8s vs. Service Mesh vs. eBPF

Architecture API design

Monoliths vs microservices


Prepare for what “Loom”s ahead by Dr. Heinz Kabutz, to go further in Loom comprehension

Java api performance impacts

Zoom on Java intern string pool

Pre and post Java 9 classloader internal overview

Java Sequenced collection, work in progress

Quick nic summuray java evolution from 8 to 18

Aws lambda for containers developer

Consistent hashing

Implement DNS system in python in one weekend


Review Open source Java Profiler

Devfile, an open standard defining containerized development environments

Visual help to build Kubernetes network policy

Java build system in java

To process Llm privately PrivateGPT


LLM prompt engineering

Manager (from Mars) and Developer (from Venus)

tags: Aws - Lambda - Container - Llm - Prompt - Devfile - Development - Environment - Hashing - Java - Api - Performance - Jep250 - Internstring - Java18 - Microservices - Openclose - Kubernetes - Network - Distributed - Mesh - Ebpf - Classloader - Java9 - Design - Monoliths - Manager - Sequencedcollection - Build - Bld - Dns - Python - Loom - Heinzkabutz - Privategpt - Profiler - Opensource