Walk on the web flow 20230509
by snonov
Analyse your data streaming to pick the right tool (Flink, Kafka, …)
Build and design your search engine
Microservices pattern
- https://medium.com/@abhishekranjandev/unlocking-the-magic-of-microservices-design-patterns-for-beginners-fbcfee7b4aa9
Microservice architecture example
… or back to monoliths
- https://world.hey.com/dhh/even-amazon-can-t-make-sense-of-serverless-or-microservices-59625580
- https://world.hey.com/dhh/how-to-recover-from-microservices-ce3803cc
- https://www.allthingsdistributed.com/2023/05/monoliths-are-not-dinosaurs.html
Distributed computing manifesto
Guide to modern Java I/O
Springboot, debuging with AOP
Some really nice Java tuto :
- Understanding GraalVM, AOT and JIT https://www.marcobehler.com/guides/graalvm-aot-jit
- Java filesystem Api https://www.marcobehler.com/guides/java-files
- ssh commands guide https://www.marcobehler.com/guides/ssh-commands
State of loom project
- https://developer.okta.com/blog/2022/08/26/state-of-java-project-loom
- Benchmark with JMH https://github.com/colincachia/loom-benchmark
Manage yourt ignore files
- https://8thlight.com/insights/effective-use-and-debugging-of-gcloudignore-dockerignore-and-gitignore
Kumo, to generate in java cloud word
X-Pipe a flexible connection manager and remote file explorer
Podman, useful to prepare learning environment
- https://podman.io/
- https://jaehoo.wordpress.com/2023/04/06/podman-basic-steps-for-a-java-project/
- https://www.thomasvitale.com/podman-desktop-for-java-development/
Archimate, to prepare your architecture a modeling tool
Learning framework for learning material to facilitate contribution with various actors OATutor
Finance dataset
Raw Web crawling dataset
Challenges to open source contribution
Big subject of the moment IA and various thinking around
- Usage of generative IA in stackoverflow, in short banned
- Usage of generative AI in Github https://hachyderm.io/@danluu@mastodon.social/110335983775082261
- AI bots proliferation https://www.newsguardtech.com/special-reports/newsbots-ai-generated-news-websites-proliferating/
- White collar jobs impact https://twitter.com/mishadavinci/status/1655210987677687809
- Tech initiative in this context Contentauthenticity https://contentauthenticity.org/blog
- Reflexion about AI generative
- Should writers be afraid https://medium.com/geekculture/why-writers-should-be-afraid-of-gpt-3-cd6db085b303
- Ban usage is not enought https://levelup.gitconnected.com/stackoverflow-banned-chatgpt-but-it-isnt-enough-abcc9037a407
- Data hunger of OpenAI https://www.technologyreview.com/2023/04/19/1071789/openais-hunger-for-data-is-coming-back-to-bite-it/
Further “Open Source AI Will Outcompete Google and OpenAI”
AI tool for developers
tags: Data - Stream - Flink - Kafka - Java - Io - Design - Searchengine - Microservice - Amazon - Monolith - Manifesto - Distributedcomputing - Springboot - Debugging - Aop - Graalvm - Aot - Jit - File - Ssh - Finance - Dataset - Webcrawling - Tagcloud - Kumo - Wordcloud - Loom - Benchmark - Jmh - Xpipe - Remote - Connection - Explorer - Podman - Archimate - Modeling - Pattern - Ignorefile - OATutor - Opensource - Contribution - AI - Generativeai - Llm - Github - Contentauthenticity - Jobs - OpenAI - Developers