Walk on the web flow

the goal is to leave some links that seem interesting to me (but also to share them)

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2 May 2023

Walk on the web flow 20230502

by snonov


Design a URL Shortening service

Some old but reference Design pattern resources

Why package by features ?

Architecture and functionnal programming

History of a migration from PostgreSQL to Snowflake

Some Java20 statistics

Design your Rate limiter

Kubernetes design pattern


Loom and virtual thread, new era of concurrency :

Java secret for elegant low latency

Troubleshooting Native Memory Issues in Java Applications

Functionnal programming pattern (quite old, java 8)

Simulate your Java bug to explore them

Introduction to Graph theory

Some Java User Group youtube channels :

Zoom on Kata Trivia :

Clean code Two Decades Later

Paris Devoxx 2023 quick selection :

Train your IDE knowledge regarding refactoring

Chicago school or london school in your TDD ?

One more craft item, TCR workflow (Test, Commit, Revert)

Build your SpringBoot microservice with ChatGPT

And to go further with ChatGPT :

Why OAuth still hard ?

Java reflection performance with Ben Evans


Search in Maven central with Cli

Maven Toolchain, to let you compiling Sources Using A Different JDK guide of the Maven Compiler Plugin starts with

Capture GC, threaddump, ps, top, … and so on to analyze (done in Go)

Datasette dashboard to get quick overview of your dataset meta data

Cli tool

ModiTect, Tooling for the Java Module System

Online service to facilitate Mob programming


Some interview resources

Database of databases (existing DB SQL, NoSQL and more)

Langague and the way you think impact (Lera Boroditsky) :

Professionals computer science collection of conferences

For curious existing Github badges (unofficial)

Devops, DORA metrics

tags: Bug - Simulation - Java - Google - Interview - Pattern - Problem - Design - Urlshortening - Graph - Competitive - Jug - Youtube - Kata - Trivia - Functionnal - Cleancode - Database - Devoxx - Dns - Ipfs - devoxx - paris - youtube - Designpattern - Douglea - Leraboroditsky - Language - Think - Conference - Dataset - Metadata - Github - Badge - Tdd - Chicago - London - Mockist - Classicists - Tcr - Workflow - Kentbeck - Intellij - Package - Functionnal - Maven - Cli - Mcs - Toolchain - Jdk - Postgresql - Snowflake - Java20 - Statistics - Chatgpt - Microservice - Dora - Devops - Metrics - OAuth - Loom - Virtualthread - Module - Moditect - Mobprogramming - Kubernetes - Ratelimiter - Andrewng - Prompt - Lowlatency - Nativememory - Reflection - Benevans