Walk on the web flow 20230425
by snonov
Java orientation with DOP (Data oriented Programming)
- Brian Goetz : https://www.infoq.com/articles/data-oriented-programming-java/
- Remi Forax : https://raw.githubusercontent.com/forax/dop-examples/master/data%20first%20programming.pdf
- Nicolai Parlog : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zn4neparqUQ
- Yehonathan Sharvit : https://blog.klipse.tech/dop/2022/06/22/principles-of-dop.html
Design system with caches :
- A Guided Tour of Caching Patterns by Nicolas Frankel : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=na2HqjBexbU
- List of cache providers : https://blog.frankel.ch/choose-cache/2/
Difference between Orchestration and Choreography
WebAssembly previews of Component-based WASI
Review of pattern matching in Java (by Bruce Eckel)
- https://blogs.oracle.com/javamagazine/post/java-pattern-matching
- https://blogs.oracle.com/javamagazine/post/java-pattern-matching-guards-coverage-dominance
Also fro mmBruce Eckel about Java Record
Ben Evans and Java Refection
Some practical training with SOLID Java kata
Java and Generics
Review Java heap and stack concurrency
Tool : get your git ignore
Devoxx Paris rex
- about FoundationDB talk : https://www.loicmathieu.fr/wordpress/informatique/devoxx-fr-2023-foundation-db-le-secret-le-mieux-garde-des-nouvelles-architectures-distribuees-par-pierre-zemb-et-steven-le-roux/
- Debug skills : https://www.loicmathieu.fr/wordpress/informatique/devoxx-fr-2023-improving-your-skills-with-the-debugger-par-bouke-nijuis/
A maven archetype for Springboot microservice
A free and open resource with Machine Learning papers, code, datasets by
Nice visual representaiotn of loadbalancing strategies
Video from Voxxed day Bucarest :
- Ana-Maria Mihălceanu - A Glance At The Java Performance Toolbox : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHhmn2Sk2Z0
- Carlos Sanchez - We Moved one Java Product to Kubernetes and This Is What We Learned : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agBH6Pb3tz0
- Johan Janssen - Why and How to Upgrade to Java 17 (and Prepare for 21) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-W2OdeOdyYg
- Magda Miu - The 3As of Psychological Safety (increasingly present concept in the management of high-performing teams) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rt2LubG24DA
LLM (Large Language Model) introduction & ChatGPT
tags: Machinelearning - Loadbalancing - Java - Patternmatching - Bruceeckel - Record - Reflection - Benevans - Briangoetz - Remiforax - Nicolaiparlog - Yehonathansharvit - Dop - Dataorientedprogramming - Cache - Git - Gitignore - Kata - Solid - Devoxx - Foundationdb - Debug - Orchestration - Choreography - Microservices - Maven - Mavenarchetype - Springboot - Voxxed - Bucarest - Performance - Kubernetes - Java17 - 3a - Generecis - Wasi - Component - Webassembly - Llm - Chatgpt - Concurrency - Heap - Stack