Walk on the web flow

the goal is to leave some links that seem interesting to me (but also to share them)

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25 April 2023

Walk on the web flow 20230425

by snonov


Java orientation with DOP (Data oriented Programming)

Design system with caches :

Difference between Orchestration and Choreography

WebAssembly previews of Component-based WASI


Review of pattern matching in Java (by Bruce Eckel)

Also fro mmBruce Eckel about Java Record

Ben Evans and Java Refection

Some practical training with SOLID Java kata

Java and Generics

Review Java heap and stack concurrency


Tool : get your git ignore

Devoxx Paris rex

A maven archetype for Springboot microservice


A free and open resource with Machine Learning papers, code, datasets by

Nice visual representaiotn of loadbalancing strategies

Video from Voxxed day Bucarest :

LLM (Large Language Model) introduction & ChatGPT

tags: Machinelearning - Loadbalancing - Java - Patternmatching - Bruceeckel - Record - Reflection - Benevans - Briangoetz - Remiforax - Nicolaiparlog - Yehonathansharvit - Dop - Dataorientedprogramming - Cache - Git - Gitignore - Kata - Solid - Devoxx - Foundationdb - Debug - Orchestration - Choreography - Microservices - Maven - Mavenarchetype - Springboot - Voxxed - Bucarest - Performance - Kubernetes - Java17 - 3a - Generecis - Wasi - Component - Webassembly - Llm - Chatgpt - Concurrency - Heap - Stack