Walk on the web flow

the goal is to leave some links that seem interesting to me (but also to share them)

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18 April 2023

Walk on the web flow 20230418

by snonov


Explaining Distributed Systems Like I’m 5

Design a rate limiter

Lamport clock : Use logical timestamps as a version for a value to allow ordering of values across servers

Review security aspect


Java 17 perfomance

JMM java memory model resources page

Be awre of Yaml trap

Docker and distroless. No package manager, no shell, more secure but how to debug ?

Loom is coming, go to virtual thread, migration tips

Zoom on Java Enum

Test with fakes, mocks, Spies and stubs

Revisiting Gang of four aka GoF Design pattern with modern Java


Automatically generate interactive sequence diagrams of your Java code’s runtime behavior : Appmap

Miller, tool to wrangle CSV, TSV, JSON files

Josh Long Git springboot tool

Micrometer, application observability

Collection of developper tools

Databases migration tools

Tool LocalStack : A fully functional local cloud stack Develop and test your cloud and serverless apps offline

Monorepo tools to help

PostgreSQL super power


Devoxx Paris 2023 was last week, some REX

Learn, score and statistics keyboard typing test

Web fingerprinting

Learn git with gaming

Various Java Oracle Licenses, to find your path

Twitter open sources recommandation algorithm

tags: Diagram - Sequence - Devoxx - Rex - Keyboard - Typing - Web - Fingerprint - Miller - File - Wrangle - Java17 - Performance - Git - Springboot - Joshlong - Jmm - Memory - Java - Micrometer - Observability - Developper - Oracle - Licenses - Yaml - Docker - Distroless - Kubernetes - Migration - Database - Flyway - Liquibase - Loom - Virtualthread - Cloud - Localstack - Aws - Distributedsystem - Monorepo - Bazel - Google - Buck - Meta - Ratelimiter - Enum - Twitter - Opensource - Recommandation - Postgresql - Test - Fakes - Mocks - Spies - Stubs - Lamportclock - Gof - Designpattern - dp