Walk on the web flow 20230405
by snonov
Design your API
- Zalando REST API guidelines : http://opensource.zalando.com/restful-api-guidelines/#101
- API style book : http://apistylebook.com/
- OpenAPI standard mindmap : https://openapi-map.apihandyman.io/
Webcrawler architecture design
Cloud native design pattern
- https://medium.com/@bindu.bc27/design-pattern-for-cloudnative-application-series-1-b489649de83e
Your java profiler in 240 lines of code
Kirk Pepperdine about unified logging in java
Java lock support
Java Loom
Reactive programming, Spring reactor basics
Java native memory detailed
How to use git ignore patterns
Fan of technology radar, you want to build your own
Java tool to automatically discover managed JREs in Eclipse
Jeka, implement builds and DevOps tasks in Plain Java/Kotlin, run it in CI/CD
- https://dzone.com/articles/reconciling-java-and-devops-with-jeka
- https://github.com/jeka-dev/working-examples
- https://jeka.dev/
Maven central repository evolution
Github SBOM
Archunit, to unit test your architecture
Java lib, Eclipse collection (previously GS)
- https://medium.com/oracledevs/visualizing-eclipse-collections-646dad9533a9
- https://medium.com/oracledevs/ten-reasons-to-use-eclipse-collections-91593104af9d
Tool for REST api testing and validating REST services in Java
Docker Alpine or no more
Accept boredom … it is useful
Opinion, Stephen Wolfram about ChatGPT
Java trends report (Jrebel)
tags: Docker - Alpine - Radar - Thoughtworks - Api - Zalando - Openapi - Gitignore - Git - Boredom - Java - Jre - Stephenwolfram - Chatgpt - Profiler - Logging - Kirkpepperdine - Jeka - Ci - Cd - Lock - Concurrency - Maven - Github - Sbom - Trend - Jrebel - Loom - Webcrawler - Reactive - Reactor - Spring - Archunit - Cloudnative - Memory - Native - Collections - Eclipse - Rest - Restassured