Walk on the web flow 20230320
by snonov
How To Design A Good API and Why it Matters (Joshua Bloch)
Zookeeper architecture
Webhooks, ressources and best practises
Security TLS SSL
Architecture plateform api
- https://medium.com/@asimaslam/platform-apis-ca160c5663
Jdk 20 GC impact
Java Record et Hibernate
Code quality pyramid
Manifold is a Java compiler plugin to enrich and play meta level
- http://manifold.systems/
- Extension system sample https://debugagent.com/extending-java-apis-add-missing-features-without-the-hassle
Online tool to generate mindmap with markdown
Intellij and Trisha Gee
Curl history
Optimize your planning with its constraints
Json parsing for java. It uses an index overlay to deliver lightning-fast parsing speeds.
Docker policy and the community recent event :
- first annonce https://blog.alexellis.io/docker-is-deleting-open-source-images/
- then adjustment, clarification ? https://www.docker.com/blog/we-apologize-we-did-a-terrible-job-announcing-the-end-of-docker-free-teams/