Walk on the web flow 20230310
by snonov
History and pattern of distributed system, from 2 Phase Commit (2PC) in 1985
Differences between enterprise architecture styles, patterns, and design patterns
CAP Theorem apply
CRaC (Coordinated Restore at Checkpoint) Project for Java
- https://foojay.io/today/introducing-the-openjdk-coordinated-restore-at-checkpoint-project/
- OpenJDK project page
Secure java coding guideline
Raft algorythm in Python
Getting start with Java in 2023
Refactoring catalog
Easy JVM Observability with the JCMD CLI
- https://www.infoq.com/news/2022/12/eclipse-migration-toolkit-java/
- https://adoptium.net/blog/2022/12/emt4j-an-easier-upgrade-for-java-applications/
- https://github.com/adoptium/emt4j
Develop Your CI/CD Pipelines as Code and Run Them Anywhere
ChatGPT in IDE
CryoStat, a container-native JVM application which acts as a bridge to other containerized JVMs and exposes a secure API for producing, analyzing, and retrieving JDK Flight Recorder data from your cloud workloads
Httpie, human-friendly CLI HTTP client for the API era
Search in opensource projects mailing lists
Programming script build tool
Tool, a Java library you can use to compile and load dynamically generated Java source code in your program
Short SSH history
Gosling (Java father) interview
What is GPT-3, technicla insight
IA, Python and gaming : Facebook IA to play Diplomacy
Linux foundation report of Datastorage evolution
Free online Stanford IT courses
Some devops roadmap and compentencies matrix
- https://github.com/Vrashabh-Sontakke/Complete_DevOps_Roadmap_2022
- https://github.com/milanm/DevOps-Roadmap
- https://roadmap.sh/devops/
Java Champion list
tags: Gpt3 - Facebook - Ia - Diplomacy - Python - Raft - Crac - Java - Linuxfoundation - Datastorage - Stanford - Courses - Architecture - Design - Cap - Dagger - Ci - Security - Cryostat - Flightrecord - Devops - Httpie - Emt4j - Migration - Markmail - Script - Dhall - Nixos - Distributedsystem - Jcmd - Joshlong - Gosling - Javachampion - Supercomputing - Ssh - Refactoring