Walk on the web flow

the goal is to leave some links that seem interesting to me (but also to share them)

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10 March 2023

Walk on the web flow 20230310

by snonov


History and pattern of distributed system, from 2 Phase Commit (2PC) in 1985

Differences between enterprise architecture styles, patterns, and design patterns

CAP Theorem apply


CRaC (Coordinated Restore at Checkpoint) Project for Java

Secure java coding guideline

Raft algorythm in Python

Getting start with Java in 2023

Refactoring catalog


Easy JVM Observability with the JCMD CLI


Develop Your CI/CD Pipelines as Code and Run Them Anywhere

ChatGPT in IDE

CryoStat, a container-native JVM application which acts as a bridge to other containerized JVMs and exposes a secure API for producing, analyzing, and retrieving JDK Flight Recorder data from your cloud workloads

Httpie, human-friendly CLI HTTP client for the API era

Search in opensource projects mailing lists

Programming script build tool

Tool, a Java library you can use to compile and load dynamically generated Java source code in your program

Short SSH history


Gosling (Java father) interview

What is GPT-3, technicla insight

IA, Python and gaming : Facebook IA to play Diplomacy

Linux foundation report of Datastorage evolution

Free online Stanford IT courses

Some devops roadmap and compentencies matrix

Java Champion list


tags: Gpt3 - Facebook - Ia - Diplomacy - Python - Raft - Crac - Java - Linuxfoundation - Datastorage - Stanford - Courses - Architecture - Design - Cap - Dagger - Ci - Security - Cryostat - Flightrecord - Devops - Httpie - Emt4j - Migration - Markmail - Script - Dhall - Nixos - Distributedsystem - Jcmd - Joshlong - Gosling - Javachampion - Supercomputing - Ssh - Refactoring