Walk on the web flow

the goal is to leave some links that seem interesting to me (but also to share them)

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4 October 2022

Walk on the web flow 20221004

by snonov


Java architecture best practises

GraalVM Road Map

Architecture pattern

Bigdata plateform architecture

Last java features (Sealed class, Records) for Data oriented programming. From Brian Goetz article


Java 19 overview

Java and Kubernetes affinity

Some Java kata to practise your practise

Introduction to Monad

Zoom on Loom (Java virtual thread)

Data structure review


YugabyteDB is a high-performance, cloud-native distributed SQL database that aims to support all PostgreSQL features

Some more not well known DB

Resources, tools and more about Text summarization

Library of Alexandria (LoA in short) is a project that aims to collect and archive documents from the internet

Some Git tooling

Build and cache

Zomm on Flink usage

Tool benchmark on JSon libraries

Kanito Kubernetes tool, build container images from a Dockerfile, inside a container or Kubernetes cluster

Test your EMail features

Data Anaysis of code

tags: Distributed - Yugabytedb - Java - Java19 - Textsummarization - Kubernetes - Architecture - Kata - Alexandria - Git - Pantsbuild - Build - Database - Flink - Benchmark - Kanito - Mock - Mail - Graalvm - Monad - Loom - Gtoolkit - Bigdata - Datastructure - Goetz