Walk on the web flow 20190722
by snonov
Slack tech stack evolution by time
Online event processing, explanation of event sourcing
Java Language Architect Brian Goetz gives a tour of some of the features coming to Java next
Why Functional Programming Matters
Designing memory data structures
One more in serie exercices programming style
- https://blog.frankel.ch/exercises-programming-style/10/
- https://blog.frankel.ch/exercises-programming-style/11/
Heap use Watcher : A simple tracker of non-ephemeral heap use and live set levels
DVC Open-source Version Control System for Machine Learning Projects
Git 2.22 adds Topology-Preserving, Interactive Rebase
Some more languages report from top US startup
tags: Java - Heap - Sources - Machinelearning - Functionnal - Datastructure - Slack - Event - Bus - DVC - Report