Walk on the web flow

the goal is to leave some links that seem interesting to me (but also to share them)

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8 July 2019

Walk on the web flow 20190708

by snonov


Pattern in distributed systems

Serverless, service full

Sigmod 2019 system award : Amazon Aurora
“I used to joke that every 10 years or so I seemed to get hired by another company to do much the same work as I was doing back in the 80s and 90s at IBM”

Last GraalVM improvements


8 types of OutOfMemory in Java

Check a Java memory leak

Programming style article series (recursion, high order function, event driven,….)

Java IO and NIO


Python static analysis and quality tools

Draw your AWS architecture

Tool, Mozilla SSL configuration generator

JXRay, analyze Java memory


Various languages popularity indexes

Collections of Java blog

Format your markdown table

Building and Scaling a High-Performance Culture

Opendata, Foreign Lobbyist Data Via API

tags: Python - Quality - AWS - Schema - Markdown - Serverless - Github - Tiobe - Exercice - Programming - Ssl - Mozilla - Java - Io - Nio - GraalVM - Opendata - Lobby - OOM - JXRay - Memory