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18 September 2018

Zoom on Jdk Builds

by snonov

Period of changes regarding Java and Jdk, impact on builds (open or not, free or not), release and support. Few blogs and articles entry points to keep an eye on those changes

Jdk Builds

Beyond Oracle Jdk

Differences between Oracle Jdk build and OpenJdk Build

Two Oracle builds

Java Champions to the rescue

Resume regarding public and inner Jdk classes

Think from Simon Ritter

Rafael Winterhalter Twitter Thread

Some more …

Jdk Support

Jdk Sources : keep mercurial or go to Git ? (project Skara)

Various Jdk Sources

Tools and initiatives to the rescue

Open JDK


Oracle JDK

Microsoft JDK

Eclipse Open J9 (from previously IBM J9)

Redhat IcedTea

SAP Machine

Amazon JDK Corretto

Alibaba JDK Corretto

Pivotal Spring Runtime

Liberica JDK

tags: Zoomon - Jdk - Build - Java - OpenJdk