Welcome to Jekyll!
by snonov
The very beginnng of this Githubpages Jekyll follow up Walk on the web flow
Some official resources :
Around :
- Un peu de context markdown
- Sample
- another sample from Akka blog
- another Sample
- Some hints
- Show case with sites
- another Show case with sites
Going deeper :
- tutorial https://coderwall.com/p/njjb7a/checkout-simple-clean-jekyll-theme-for-hackers
- tutorial https://programminghistorian.org/lessons/building-static-sites-with-jekyll-github-pages#on-windows-
- resources : https://github.com/planetjekyll
- Links and urls : https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/controlling-urls-and-links-in-jekyll
- Tags usages : http://longqian.me/2017/02/09/github-jekyll-tag/
- Tags and meta tags : http://jovandeginste.github.io/2016/05/18/add-metadata-tags-to-jekyll-blog-posts.html
- Jekyll cheatsheet
- Including image sample
Adding futur features
- Choose your markdown
- Add google search
- Add tag search
- Tag manipulation
- Google Analytics
- Google Analytics2
- Google analytics Checker
- Improve tag cloud ** https://gist.github.com/yeban/2290195 ** http://tomnorian.com/a-liquid-tag-cloud-for-jekyll-blogs.html
- work on width
- work on width2
- Add search feature
- Add google search