Walk on the web flow 20171121
by snonov
Event driven d’accord mais pourquoi https://jobs.zalando.com/tech/blog/why-event-driven/index.html
Les transactions dans Kafka https://www.confluent.io/blog/transactions-apache-kafka/
Java 10 is coming (pattern matching, var, …) https://medium.com/codefx-weekly/java-10-is-coming-e6807eb5de6e https://blog.codefx.org/java/java-10-var-type-inference/ https://www.infoq.com/news/2017/11/Java10JEPs
Dont la JEP 312 pour ceux intéressé par les aspects performance
- Reducing the impact of acquiring a stack trace sample (e.g. for profiling)
- Better stack trace sampling by reducing reliance on signals.
- Improving biased locking by only stopping individual threads for revoking biases.
- Removing some memory barriers from the JVM
Nouveau Garbage Collector ? Le ZGC https://www.infoq.com/news/2017/11/zgc
Grafana vs Kibana http://blog.takipi.com/grafana-vs-kibana-how-to-get-the-most-out-of-your-data-visualization/
AWS cost explorer https://aws.amazon.com/fr/blogs/aws/new-interactive-aws-cost-explorer-api/ https://aws.amazon.com/fr/blogs/aws/the-new-cost-explorer-for-aws/
Contribuer à Netflix OSS ? https://medium.com/netflix-techblog/making-it-easier-to-contribute-to-netflix-oss-cffc3276974a
AWS Lambda, le cold start http://blog.xebia.fr/2017/11/20/serverless-aws-lambda-vous-saurez-tout-sur-le-cold-start/
real-time big data streaming engine https://gearpump.apache.org/overview.html
tags: Apache - Gearpump - Lambda - Netflixoss - NetFlix - AWS - Kibana - Grafana - Garbagecollector - Zgc - Performance - Java10 - Java - Eventdriven - Kafka - Event - Webflowwalk