Walk on the web flow 20171002
by snonov
Comment choisir les données et API à exposer en premier https://www.programmableweb.com/news/what-data-and-services-should-your-api-expose-first/analysis/2017/09/27
Quelles architectures pour vos API https://www.programmableweb.com/news/how-to-choose-architectural-styles-and-specification-formats-your-apis/analysis/2017/09/27
Passage de Coursera au GraphQL https://www.infoq.com/presentations/coursera-graphql
Petit record pour du machine learning Nb de CPU : more than 1,100,000 vCPUs on Amazon EC2 Spot Instances running in a single AWS region Dataset : The models have been applied to 17 years of computer science journal abstracts (533,560 documents and 32,551,540 words) and full text papers from the NIPS (Neural Information Processing Systems) Conference (2,484 documents and 3,280,697 words) https://aws.amazon.com/fr/blogs/aws/natural-language-processing-at-clemson-university-1-1-million-vcpus-ec2-spot-instances/
Pattern matching en Java par Brian Goetz https://www.infoq.com/news/2017/09/pattern-matching-for-java
Java 9 Unified Logging http://blog.codefx.org/java/unified-logging-with-the-xlog-option/
Top 5 Features Java Developers Miss in C# http://blog.takipi.com/c-vs-java-the-top-5-features-java-developers-miss-in-c/
Java OutOfMemory, symptomes, analyse
- https://plumbr.eu/outofmemoryerror
- https://stackify.com/memory-leaks-java/
- https://stackify.com/java-memory-leaks-solutions/
pour comprendre : [Times: user=4.21 sys=0.03, real=0.75 secs]
Spring 5 est sortie https://spring.io/blog/2017/09/28/spring-framework-5-0-goes-ga
gRPC framework https://grpc.io/
Apache Ignite https://ignite.apache.org/
Jetty et son LeakDetector http://www.eclipse.org/jetty/javadoc/current/org/eclipse/jetty/util/LeakDetector.html
Strata 2017, les temps forts https://www.oreilly.com/ideas/highlights-from-strata-ny-2017
Feedback pour le passage de certificaiton AWS https://howtotrainyourjava.com/2017/09/28/how-to-pass-aws-certified-developer-and-architect-exams/
Passage de certificaiton Java 8 https://dzone.com/articles/prepare-yourself-for-java-8-certification
Keynote NGinx sur l’open source https://www.nginx.com/blog/the-future-of-open-source-at-nginx/
Data source : YAGO is a large semantic knowledge base, derived from Wikipedia, WordNet, WikiData, GeoNames, and other data sources. https://github.com/yago-naga/yago3
Pour le futur Quantum computing https://vimeo.com/235197584
Appel à échanges et discusison : “Project Loom”, which is intended to add alternative, user-mode thread implementations, delimited continuations (coroutines) and other constructs involving call-stack manipulation, such as tail calls, to the Java platform
tags: Grpc - Spring5 - Fiber - Loom - Quantum - Nginx - Certification - Strata - Time - Outofmemory - Java9 - Java - Briangoetz - Patternmatching - Machinelearning - AWS - Coursera - Graphql - API - Webflowwalk