Walk on the web flow

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27 September 2017

Walk on the web flow 20170927

by snonov


Tendance outils Java (EDI, ….), résultat du sondage ZeroTurnAround. Funny fact, les développeurs les plus heureux du monde sont en coréee du sud https://zeroturnaround.com/rebellabs/developer-productivity-report-2017-why-do-you-use-java-tools-you-use/

Architecture AdCash (1 trillion requetes par mois, ) http://highscalability.com/blog/2017/9/25/adcash-1-trillion-http-requests-per-month.html

AWS et NGinx https://www.nginx.com/blog/announcing-new-autoscaling-support-with-nginx-plus-on-aws-cloud-quick-start/


Java 9

Guide détaillé sur le parsing https://tomassetti.me/guide-parsing-algorithms-terminology/


Powering Columnar In-Memory Analytics https://arrow.apache.org/


Chaos Engineering https://www.oreilly.com/ideas/chaos-engineering

Slack et son utilisation de l’IA https://www.technologyreview.com/s/608953/slack-ceo-how-well-use-ai-to-reduce-information-overload/

Débat autour du futur versionning Java https://jaxenter.com/java-9-version-numbering-scheme-137544.html

tags: Ia - Slack - Chaos - Parsing - Patternmatching - Eclipse - Stalkwalking - Reactivestream - Java9 - Java - Nginx - AWS - Adcash - Architecture - Zeroturnaround - Webflowwalk