Walk on the web flow

the goal is to leave some links that seem interesting to me (but also to share them)

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26 September 2017

Walk on the web flow 20170926

by snonov

Citation : “Most of programmers learn early to avoid premature optimization. Next step: teach people about premature distributed computing.” https://twitter.com/rightfold/status/908971753816428544


Resource Description Framework (RDF) vs Labelled Property graph (LPG) https://fr.slideshare.net/neo4j/graphconnect-europe-2017-debunking-some-rdf-vs-property-graph-alternative-facts-neo4j

Distributed system and some elixir https://www.infoq.com/presentations/elixir-distributed-system

Cassandra architecture tutorial https://www.guru99.com/cassandra-architecture.html


Typing or not ? https://blog.acolyer.org/2017/09/19/to-type-or-not-to-type-quantifying-detectable-bugs-in-javascript/


A reasonably complete implementation of the Universal Scalability Law model https://github.com/codahale/usl4j

Java heap analysis with Neo4j https://speakerdeck.com/npryce/looking-for-smoking-guns-in-a-haystack-jvm-heap-analysis-with-neo4j

Google GSON for JSON https://springframework.guru/google-gson-for-json-processing/

Docker pour développeur Java https://www.javacodegeeks.com/2017/09/docker-java-developers-docker-command-line.html


La strata data https://conferences.oreilly.com/strata/strata-ny/public/schedule/grid/public/2017-09-27


20: watts of power consumed by human brain, autonomous vehicles peak at 3000 watts https://twitter.com/andrewjbyrne/status/910645684277088256

Facebook relicensing

CryptoCurrency https://www.technologyreview.com/s/608910/governments-are-testing-their-own-cryptocurrencies/

tags: Cryptocurrency - License - React - Facebook - Ai - Docker - Javaheap - Java - Usl4j - Neo4j - Google - Json - Gson - Typing - Cassandra - Distributedsystem - Graph - Rdf - Webflowwalk